John Fay The Aquaponics “Expert” Exposed

John Fay is an Aquaponics enthusiast, and creator of the top selling Aquaponics guide, “Aquaponics 4 You” (a step-by-step guide on how to build your own aquaponics system).

John is a certified organic farmer and an aquaponics expert. According to Fay, aquaponics is one of the best and most productive ways of growing organic plants. Fay has put a lot of effort and research into creating the most efficient acquaponics system and increasing the yield.

Aquaponics is an innovative and revolutionary approach to farming. It relies on the interdependence between plants and fish. As already mentioned, plants need the fish waste to grow. On the other hand, plants oxygenate the water, creating a better and healthier habitat from the fish…but the system only works if everything is in balance, and this is where John Fay’s expertise comes in.

In the introduction of Aquaponics 4 You, Fay writes that the average American family spends more than 300 dollars each month on the purchase on organic food. The system that he developed will allow the same families to grow 10 times the amount in their own garden, without having to spend so much on organic food.

What is Aquaponics 4 You?

The Aquaponics 4 You setup guide contains all of the vital information needed for the successful setting up of an aquaponics system. The guide is suitable for individuals that have agricultural experience and for complete beginners.

Fay discusses issues like finding the right location; choosing hardware, fish and plants; building the aquaponics system in several simple steps; adding the water; testing the system; optimizing it and starting to grow plants.

Aquaponics 4 You provides all the information necessary to grow 4000 pounds of organic vegetables per month with 1/10th of the space that will be needed for traditional agriculture. At the same time, Fay claims that the system is easy to manage because it is nearly 100 percent automated. All that it will require is one hour of work per day (thats for a large system, smaller systems require much less work).

Countless testimonials confirm the quality of Fay’s step-by step aquaponics guidebook. One testimonial from a satisfied user of the ebook reads:

“Throughout my professional career as a gardener I have tried many different tactics to try to make my job a bit easier. Aquaponics4You gives insight into Aquaponics that both professionals and those without professional experience can benefit from. While following the Aquaponics4You system I was able to see John’s true enthusiasm. I love your system because there is always new and interesting information to learn.”

Click HERE To Find Out More About Aquaponics 4 You

The professional experience and the fact that John Fay tested the aquaponics system himself prove the efficiency of the method. The guidebook contains simple and detailed information that will allow any individual to set up a successful aquaponics system. Fay is a reputable professional in the niche and the experience he shares is a perfect way to get started with aquaponics and to achieve success from the first attempt.

Aquaponics 4 You gets our top recommendation: Click HERE To Find Out More

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